Dean McLeod



(Written by Rad Joseph)

On October 3, 2023, at the age of 77 (one day shy of his 78th birthday), Dean McLeod passed away having battled brain cancer. Despite his love for lacrosse, nothing mattered more to Dean than his family. He married his high school sweetheart Mary and they enjoyed 59 years together. Their immediate family included daughter Deanna, son Stewart and daughter Denise (predeceased), along with eight grandchildren. 

Dean and Mary McLeod

After his family, Dean’s other passion was lacrosse. He dedicated more than 50 years to the sport establishing himself as a lacrosse legend. Go to the Time Line of Dean McLeod’s Commitment to Lacrosse further in this article to view Dean’s incredible contributions to lacrosse.

Starting in 1967 as team statistician for the Junior “B” Brampton Excelsiors, Dean contributed in so many roles serving lacrosse. Beginning in 1982 and becoming best known for serving as Commissioner for the Ontario Lacrosse Association’s Junior “A” League, he held this role for 37 seasons. Upon stepping aside as League Commissioner, Dean became the official Historian for the OJLL. (Note: As of 2021, the Ontario Junior “A” League became officially known as the Ontario Junior Lacrosse League).

Dean has been recognized for his immense contributions to lacrosse which include induction into the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame (1997), the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame (1997) and the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame (1999).

Dedicating more than half a century to lacrosse, Dean McLeod has been honoured several times including being the recipient of the OLA Mr. Lacrosse Award (1985), inducted as a Life Member of the Brampton Excelsiors Lacrosse Club (1989), designated a Life Member of the Ontario Lacrosse Association (1998), Life Member of the Canadian Lacrosse Association (1999), awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal (2012) and the Lester B. Pearson Award (2021). In addition, to acknowledge Dean McLeod’s immense contributions, beginning in 1997 – the Ontario Junior “A” Lacrosse League’s Most Valuable Player in the Playoffs award was named the “Dean McLeod Award”.

Without question, Dean McLeod wore the maroon, gold and white colours of the Brampton Excelsiors on his heart. If you were fortunate enough to know Dean McLeod, you had to admire his frank and honest character. Despite possessing a genuine sense of humour, Dean did not often candy coat his opinion. He would outright tell you – “I disagree with your view and here is why”. Conversely, Dean could be a key ally to have on your side for advice and support.

Lacrosse colleagues of Dean commented upon his contributions to lacrosse. Sean O’Callaghan, current President of the Ontario Lacrosse Association noted, “Everyone loved Dean. He remains one of the most influential and deeply-respected volunteers to the sport of lacrosse here in Ontario. We are so grateful for his many contributions to making the OLA and Junior ‘A’ Lacrosse what it is today. He will be missed.”

As the Technical Director for the OLA from 1990-1997 and later as a key member of the Ontario Junior “A” Board of Governors, Bob Hanna knew and worked with Dean McLeod for over 40 years. He described Dean McLeod as “a good Commissioner, a man who cared deeply about Junior “A” lacrosse. Over the years, we did not always agree with each other’s point of view, but we always knew both of us were committed to lacrosse for the right reasons, to make Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse the very best lacrosse in Canada. Dean was our Commissioner, he led the way and he did a fine job”.

The passing of Dean McLeod signifies the loss of one of the most significant and greatest contributors to our national game for the past half century. He served the game at the local, provincial, national and international levels as a coach, general manager, team and league official. Our sport was so blessed to have Dean McLeod serve the game so efficiently and for such a long period.


Time Line of Dean McLeod’s Commitment to Lacrosse

1967 - Brampton Excelsiors Junior "B" Statistician

1968 – Brampton Junior “B” General Manager

1967- 1998 - Brampton Excelsiors Junior "A" General Manager

1968 – 2018 - Brampton Excelsiors Lacrosse Club Board of Directors Member

1979 – 1981 - Brampton Excelsiors Major Series Lacrosse General Manager

1982 – 2018 - Ontario Junior "A" Lacrosse League Commissioner

1985 - 1986 - Canadian Lacrosse Association Vice President

1985 – 1997 - Brampton Excelsiors MLA - Board of Directors Member

1988 - Canadian U-19 Field Lacrosse National Team General Manager

1989 – 2018 - Canadian Lacrosse Association Box Sector Committee Member

1992 – 1993 - Brampton Excelsiors Major Series Lacrosse General Manager

2004 – 2020 - Canadian Lacrosse HOF Eastern Selection Committee Member

2004 - 2018 - Ontario Lacrosse Association Audit Committee Member

2007 - 2018 - Ontario Lacrosse Life Membership Committee Chairperson


Summary of Individual Awards: Dean McLeod

1985 - Ontario Lacrosse Association: Mr. Lacrosse Award

1989 - Brampton Excelsiors Lacrosse Club: Life Membership

1990 - Ontario Lacrosse Association: President's Award (20 Years of Service)

1991 - Canadian Lacrosse Association Presidents Award

1997 - Inducted into the Brampton Sports Hall of Fame (Lacrosse Builder)

1997 – OLA Junior “A” Board of Governors decided to name the OLA Junior “A” Most Valuable Player in the Playoffs as the “Dean McLeod Award”

1998 – Designated Ontario Lacrosse Association Life Membership

1998 – Inducted into the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame – Lacrosse Builder

1999 – Inducted into the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame – Lacrosse Builder

2012 – Awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Diamond Jubilee Award

2017 – Awarded OLA – Golden Stick Award (50 years of Service)


The following interview with Dean McLeod took place in the home of Mr. McLeod and his wife Mary in the month March of 2019).

Born in Brampton, Ontario in 1945 -- Dean McLeod was involved in lacrosse at virtually every position possible within the Brampton lacrosse community. He has held countless roles at the Minor, Junior and Senior levels of Brampton lacrosse. This includes being the General Manager of Mann Cup championship teams.

While in his role as the Commissioner, Dean McLeod continued his involvement with the Ontario Lacrosse and Canadian Lacrosse community, earning numerous awards and accolades for his dedication to the game.

Mr. McLeod has been a mentor to many others in the lacrosse world. If you have had the opportunity to meet Dean McLeod, you will likely remember it. Dean McLeod is strong willed and leaves no question to his opinion on any subject being discussed. He did so much for the development and progress of the OLA Junior “A” Lacrosse League.

1. Please confirm when you took over the position of Junior "A" Commissioner?

In 1982

 2. How and what does it mean to be the Commissioner?

A Commissioner must be the face of his league and have the knowledge and insight to fight for your league and players in it. This requires a Commissioner having to be prepared to represent Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse at the provincial and national levels and be totally unbiased.

 i) What is the type of tasks you deal with?

 The tasks are numerous and regular. Far too many to site just a few.

 3. It seems at times it is a thankless position. You get criticized by the team owners/operators; you get criticized by some fans all the time. Your thoughts and feelings about this are?

Many times, I thought, “What am I doing here.” Most criticism; Brampton/Mimico fiasco where it was impossible to rule on this matter as there were absolutely zero independent witnesses. Without any witnesses Paul Coates and I had nothing to rule on as the courts substantiated.

That aside, I think my major contribution to Junior "A" lacrosse is the development of a Junior "A" Policy Paper, Minto Cup agreement and most importantly making Junior "A" lacrosse a better place for players to play. This has been accomplished after a joint effort from myself and the great Board of Governors over the years.

4. What is the most important trait that a Commissioner has to develop to survive and thrive in the job? 

Prove you are unbiased and can rule with a fair and clear mind.

5. When you took over the position as Commissioner; 

 i) What was the state of the league then?

Junior "A" lacrosse was in a state of, everyone was for his own team, with

          no unity.

 ii) What do you feel is the state of the league now?

The Junior “A” Board of Governors work for the betterment of the league. In addition, the Entry Draft has finally brought a greater level of balance to the league. Take last year’s playoffs, for the first time - a number 8 eliminates the number 1 and, in my opinion, the winner of the 2-7 series would go to the Minto Cup.

 6. Let's talk about Junior "A" lacrosse and the Quality of Play - Your thoughts?

Junior “A” lacrosse today as far as talented players is concerned has never been higher with the skills of the players both offensively, defensively and in goal.

 I) In your mind - How good is OLA Junior "A" lacrosse right now?

Better than it has ever been with the total number of highly skilled players on all teams.

  ii) Versus caliber of the Western Junior “A" Lacrosse League?

We have the largest number of skilled players than anywhere else in Canada and that is a direct result of the greater number of players we have in minor lacrosse being developed. For British Columbia to stay competitive in the Minto Cup they have rules that don’t restrict the number of player trades that each team can make at the trade deadline as we do. Our restrictions are put in place so wealthy teams cannot buy the high-end fifth year players.

7. With an almost four-decade tenure as Commissioner, there must be some specific highlights and low lights you can share with us. Cite as many examples as you wish.


1. 28 out of 37 Minto Cup wins.

2. The gradual ascension to the close competitiveness of the league now.

3. The number of our lacrosse players who have and will go to the NLL and on to the Lacrosse Hall of Fame.


1. The sudden death of the late Jack Wilson at a Board of Governors meeting

2. The Brampton/ Mimico pregame incident (A player was charged with assault with a weapon after a fight during the warm-up for a playoff game)

3. The walking out by the referees at the 2018 Minto Cup which was the most disgraceful act I have ever witnessed in lacrosse. This proved to me that the referees had absolutely no respect for the game of lacrosse. Their actions virtually cancelled the Minto Cup. If a team did this there would be severe suspensions to all but for some reason there are no rules in place if the “guardians of the game” does this, refused to take the floor….and that is what the referees are, once the game begins, “guardians of the game” because the game is in their hands.

8. You are a confident and tenacious person. You are a very experienced and wise man - a lacrosse man who is highly respected. I think it is fair to say you are a fighter for what you believe in and you have made a huge contribution to the game. Given that - If you were to offer advice to others - please discuss life lessons you have learned as Commissioner?

Be fair in your decision making. I hate suspensions, so listen to all parties before handing down a suspension and if a player has never come before you in the past give him a break.

 9. I am going to ask you to take off your hat as Commissioner and put on your hat as a lacrosse fan and have some fun in answering the following questions based on the decades of OLA Junior "A" lacrosse you have watched.

i) Greatest Junior "A" team(s) you have seen over the years.

Oshawa Green Gaels

ii) Greatest Junior "A" player(s) you have seen over the years including best offensive player; best defensive player; best goaltender; and best all-around player.

Goalie - Matt Vinc

Defensive - Kyle Rubisch, Sid Smith

Offensive - Paul and Gary Gait, Cody Jamieson, Joey Nieuwendyk, Derek Kennan, Sean Evans, both John Grants, Jeff Teat, George Chandler

Best all round - Jim Higgs

iii) Greatest playoff series you have seen over the years.

1992 Six Nations/Coquitlam

While in his role as the Commissioner, Dean McLeod continued his involvement with the Ontario Lacrosse and Canadian Lacrosse community, earning numerous awards and accolades for his dedication to the game.

Mr. McLeod has been a mentor to many others in the lacrosse world. If you have had the opportunity to meet Dean McLeod, you will likely remember it. Dean McLeod is strong willed and leaves no question to his opinion on any subject being discussed. He has done so much for the development and progress of the OLA Junior “A” Lacrosse League.

iv) Your Favorite teams over the years?

Whitby Warriors 84/85, Peterborough Lakers 81/83

v) Your Favourite players over the years? 

- Jim Higgs, Joey Nieuwendyk, Doug Evans, Sid Smith

vi) Toughest Junior "A" lacrosse player you have seen over the years?

Stan Jonathan

vii) Best and/or favourite Coaches you have observed over the years?

 Jim Bishop, Mark Vitarelli, Jim Brady

10. I am certain there are people you want to acknowledge and thank. Please elaborate as much as you want. 

Lee Vitarelli and Dan Quinlan – two fine lacrosse Builders from Peterborough

All of the great Junior “A” Board of Governor members over the years (far too many to list)

All of Minor lacrosse in developing the tremendous great young players coming into the OLA Junior “A” League. This continued wave of players has kept Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse at the forefront in Canada. Minto Cups in 37 years; 28 wins and 9 losses.

Fellow lacrosse Builders from the Ontario Lacrosse Association - Stan Cockerton and Chuck Miller. We worked together to help grow the game.

Finally, and most importantly my wife Mary and my family for their support. In particular, my wife Mary as she provided direction and reminded me of my priorities. Mary was and is the rock behind our entire family. (Note: Dean McLeod married his high school sweetheart Mary (Cox). They have been a devoted and loving couple for over 60 years.

Editor’s Note: When Dean McLeod took upon the role of Commissioner of the OLA Junior “A” League – his personal objective was to make Junior “A” lacrosse in Ontario the best place for young athletes to play. Clearly, he has been successful in doing so.

With over 50 years of commitment and devotion to lacrosse in Ontario and across Canada, the achievements of Mr. McLeod leave a lasting legacy for lacrosse. He has held leadership roles across a broad range of the lacrosse community. His devotion, work ethic and focus to Ontario Lacrosse have been exemplary and certainly unequaled at the Junior “A” level.



(Written by Rad Joseph)

The recipient of the Canadian Lacrosse Association’s 2021 Lester B. Pearson Award is Dean McLeod. This annual award is presented to a member of the Canadian lacrosse community in recognition of outstanding contributions of sportsmanship and leadership in the game of lacrosse and to the physical and mental development of young Canadians through unselfish dedication as a volunteer.

Dean McLeod’s devotion, work ethic, focus and commitment to Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse and to lacrosse in his home town of Brampton have been exemplary. It should be no surprise he has been awarded the Lester Pearson Award. If anything, it could be viewed as somewhat puzzling it took so long for him to be given this recognition.

Asked his initial response to hearing about being named the Pearson Award recipient, Mr. McLeod stated, “When Terry Rowland (CLA Director of Marketing) telephoned me and told me I had been selected the 2021 recipient of the CLA’s Lester B. Pearson Award - along with it comes Life Membership in the Canadian Lacrosse Association - I was completely dumbfounded! What an unsuspected honour to have my name now sit alongside all of the great past winners of this award. There is only one person a year bestowed this honour and I am truly honoured”.

In sharing specific memories from over the decades, Dean McLeod noted “My 37-year run as Ontario Junior “A” Lacrosse Commissioner and all of the great personalities that I dealt and worked with over the years, not only from Ontario but across Canada and Internationally are paramount among my memories. The second most lasting memory is the 8 Mann Cup Championships I have managed or have been a part of in Brampton. I am and have always been a proud Brampton Excelsior” 

Mr. McLeod was quick to acknowledge other lacrosse builders who were an important part of his lacrosse life and the contributions he made to lacrosse – “I immediately think of names like; Lee Vitarelli, Cap Bomberry, the late Jack Wilson, the late Bob Bartlett, Stan Cockerton, Chuck Miller, Murry Lehman (BC), the late Sohen Gill (BC), Greg Lintz (Alberta), Lisa Grant (Alberta), Bill Hutton, Bob Clevely, the late Brian Allen, Bob Hanna, Alan Fredrickson (Australia). The list can and should, go on and on. For those I have missed, I apologize”. 

For final thoughts and feelings, Dean McLeod offered heartfelt personal thoughts – “My lacrosse involvement, over the past 55 years, has been very, very satisfying and I have always had the support of my wife Mary and our children Deanna and Stewart. Of all of the recognitions I have received until now the receipt of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is my most cherished possession. This award now stands right with it and I would like to thank the CLA committee who made my selection. This is so very much appreciated”.

Dean McLeod – Lacrosse Biography

Born in Brampton, Ontario in 1945 Dean McLeod has been involved in lacrosse at virtually every position possible in lacrosse (See Appendix 1). However, in 1982, Dean McLeod took on a role in lacrosse that would benefit the entire Ontario lacrosse universe when he became Commissioner of the Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior “A” League – a position he would hold for over three and a half decades. At the end of the 2018 Ontario lacrosse season, Dean McLeod, Commissioner of the Ontario Junior “A” Lacrosse League officially announced his retirement ending a 37-year reign as the Commissioner.

Dean McLeod was the face of the Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior “A” League for almost four decades. He had the knowledge, passion and insight to represent Ontario and Canadian lacrosse at the local, provincial, national and international levels in both a professional and unbiased manner – knowing at times, for the best interest of lacrosse, he had to put aside his own personal agenda.

Among his major contributions to Ontario Junior "A" lacrosse was the development of a Junior "A" Policy Paper, Minto Cup agreement and most importantly making Junior "A" lacrosse a better place for players to play. This was accomplished under the leadership by Mr. McLeod and the efforts of the Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior “A” Board of Governors.

Dean McLeod is known for his ability to rule with a fair and clear mind in a totally unbiased manner. He had a personal code of conduct of “Be Fair”. A clear example would pertain to administering player discipline. Mr. McLeod did not relish suspending players. He would listen to all the parties involved before handing down a suspension. If the player had not faced suspension previously and it was a first offence, Mr. McLeod would endeavour to give the player a break. It proved to work effectively as rarely did a player appear in front of Mr. McLeod a second time.

When Dean McLeod took over the role of Commissioner in 1982, Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse was in a general state of “everyone was out for his own team.” There was no unity as a league. Under Mr. McLeod’s tutelage the mindset of the Junior “A” Board of Governors evolved to work for the betterment of the league. There has been a gradual ascension to the close competitiveness of the league. The introduction of the Entry Draft brought a great level of balance to the league. (Now, it is not uncommon to see a lower seeded team in the playoffs eliminate a higher ranked team). During the 37 years, Dean McLeod led the Ontario Junior “A” lacrosse league, the eventual Ontario champion team won 28 out of 37 Minto Cup championships.

As an aside, along with his role serving the Ontario lacrosse community -- Dean McLeod has also been heavily committed within the Brampton lacrosse community. He has held countless roles at the Minor, Junior and Senior levels of Brampton lacrosse. While holding various positions over many years with the Brampton Excelsiors Senior Lacrosse club, Mr. McLeod was an integral part of eight Mann Cup championships".

While in his role as the Commissioner, Dean McLeod’s involvement with the Ontario Lacrosse and Canadian Lacrosse communities, earned him numerous awards and accolades for his dedication to the game (see Appendix 2).

Mr. McLeod has been a mentor to many others in the lacrosse world. If you have had the opportunity to meet Dean McLeod, you will likely remember it. Dean McLeod is a strong willed, driven and exceptionally fair-minded person who leaves no question to his opinion on any subject being discussed. He has done so much for the development and progress of the OLA Junior “A” Lacrosse League. When Mr. McLeod retired as the Commissioner of Junior “A” lacrosse, Mr. Stan Cockerton (the Executive Director of the Ontario Lacrosse Association) stated, “Dean has contributed 37 years of experience to the Ontario Junior “A” Lacrosse League and over 55 years to the Ontario Lacrosse Association and his achievements will leave a lasting legacy on our sport. He has held leadership roles across a broad range of our sport, and his devotion, work ethic and focus to Ontario Lacrosse have been exemplary. Dean has been a mentor to many and his influence has left an indelible impact on generations of players, coaches and volunteers.”

When Dean McLeod took upon the role of Commissioner of the OLA Junior “A” League – his personal objective was to make Junior “A” lacrosse in Ontario the best place for young athletes to play. He has been successful in doing so.

With over 50 years of commitment and devotion to lacrosse in Ontario and across Canada, the achievements of Mr. McLeod have left a legacy for lacrosse.

Footnote: In 1959-60 Dean McLeod played on the Town of Brampton (population 15,000) Bantam hockey team, winning the OMHA Bantam “A” minor championship – the first time for a Brampton based team. Their season end record was 61 wins, 0 losses and 2 ties. Of note, despite the accolades of championships and awards, Mr. McLeod has accumulated over his lifetime, he considers this accomplishment as the most memorable of all of his many championships.